ISACA CISM Exam Study Resources

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Last updated on September 7th, 2023 at 07:06 am

Index (in case you want to skip to a section):

Recently, I took a position as Manager of Network Infrastructure, encompassing wired, wireless, and firewalls, to name a few. Also, managing a global team responsible for these technologies/products. So now and in the future, I have to think and be responsible like a manager, which influences my training or certifications. I was a manager before in many verticles and roles, so I’m comfortable with it, but now network security is more at the top of the list when planning, deploying, and managing.

I’ve been thinking about my next course and certification, especially one that is security-focused. Currently, I have Palo Alto Networks PCNSE certification and previously held Cisco security certifications, and recently attended formal security management training. This time I’m looking to step up my game with a different and challenging certification.

Upon reviewing many certification options, and there are many to choose from, I’ve chosen the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification from ISACA. Why? The topics and scope align with my current position, and I find it interesting and challenging.

Where to Start

Since choosing CISM, I need to research study resources, and fortunately, I enjoy researching, discussing, and helping others with information. As with many certifications, there are many resources available, including books, videos, and practice tests. If you look at my other post about PCNSE Certification Study Resources, you will see I’m a fan of all three, especially practice tests.

When researching resources, I knew where to start, but I was not sure how to organize those resources. My go-to for many things is Reddit, YouTube, and, obviously, web search. On Reddit, I found this subreddit Many posted what resources they used and included opinions and feedback. This is where I started collecting the list of resources for studying for the CISM.

I also went to YouTube, but I did not find as many sources of resources as I found in the subreddit. Though, what I found I added to my list. On YouTube, I found many helpful resources about the exam, certification, and opinions on study resources.

These two videos are of great help to know about studying, the exam, and the requirements for certification. They also include some information on study resources.

What to Know

At this time, I have not chosen any resources for my CISM study. This is just information I gathered from multiple sources. I’m not endorsing any specific study method or resource. Also, I’m not being compensated by providing the following data, as these are notes I’m providing as a helpful resource. I have not used any of the specific resources below, but I may have used the platform for other reasons.

Prior to purchasing any study resources, research feedback. In researching this information I found positive and negative reviews for about every resource. Some may be valid negative experiences, opinions, or just what worked for one individual. Many of us learn differently, so one method may work for one person but not another.

I need to note that some resources are phone apps, and we are studying for security certification, so it should go without saying to look at what permissions these apps require.

About the Data Collected

As I mentioned the information below was collected from multiple sources. On the mentioned subreddit, I went through the posts and noted a resource someone used or purchased. They may have purchased but not used, but I still counted it in my data. I did the same for a few blogs and a few YouTube videos. The blogs had to be of good quality content and have recent content. The YouTube videos had to be within the year and at least 1K views or more.

When collecting the usage counts, I tried not to duplicate those who may have commented the same on other posts, though that was not easy. I can’t confirm the counts I took were not the same people in the subreddit, blog, or YouTube videos.

The information was collected into an Excel document and then processed using ChatGPT to create the awesome bar charts below. Sometimes I try to be funny, but the Excel document and ChatGPT part are true.

Hopefully, the information below is insightful and helpful. Obviously, these numbers will change as this data was collected at one point in time (to be exact, 29 August 2023). I may update this if I have time, but it’s a good start. At the end of this post, I listed links to the resources for each type.


Study books or guides are usually a staple for learning, studying, or for an exam. Some will use a book, and for some, reading a book is not their style. I get that, as I don’t read novels, I would rather watch the movie.

Here are the books mentioned by those who are studying for or passed the CISM exam.

CISM Study Books


Videos for studying are very common and plentiful. There are formal training options in which you can spend a lot of money or a minimal amount. Again, research before you purchase (especially a significant amount) an official training course.

Here are the videos mentioned by those who are studying for or passed the CISM exam.

CISM Video Resources

Practice Tests

Practice tests have been around for a long time. Back in the 90s, when I was studying for Cisco CCNA and Novell Netware certifications (yes, I said Novell, now stop laughing or look it up), we used third-party books. Many had sample questions either at the end of a chapter or book.

Many books came with floppy or CD disks with test questions and flash cards. Today, most of that content is online. Some study books may have a code to register for additional online content. Some practice tests are offered by third parties (like yours truly for the PCNSE certification).

In the chart below, I listed the “extra online content” that came with some of the study guides and did this because they were mentioned. They have a low count in the chart, but my theory is they may have been used and not mentioned. Some received positive reviews, so I’m assuming they were part of the study plan.

As an Instructor and student, I’m a strong advocate for practice tests/exams.

Earlier, I mentioned I had not chosen any resources yet, but from this graph, I will likely include the “ISACA CISM Questions, Answers & Explanations Database Digital or Print” resource in my study.

Here are the practice tests mentioned by those who are studying for or passed the CISM exam.


As with many certifications, there are plenty of study resources, and this holds true for the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam. The quality and opinions of these resources vary, so research should be done prior to purchasing or using a free resource.

If you are studying for this exam, I wish you the best of luck.

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ISACA CISM Review Manual, 16th Edition Digital or Print

CISM Certified Information Security Manager Study Guide – Mike Chapple

CISM Certified Information Security Manager All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition – Peter Gregory

Certified Information Security Manager Exam Prep Guide: Gain the confidence to pass the CISM exam using test-oriented study material, 2nd Edition – Hemang Doshi

ISACA CISM Online Review Course 2022 – ISACA Website

Prepare for the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam (2022) LinkedIn – Mike Chapple

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM – ISACA) Udemy – Hemang Doshi

CISM Certification: CISM Video Boot Camp 2023 Udemy – Thor Pedersen

CBT Nuggets CISM Online Training

The Pearson Complete Course for CISM Certification (Video Training) – Sari Greene

WannaBeA CISM – Course or Book

Cybrary Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Website or YouTube Channel

Training Camp ISACA Official CISA Certification Boot Camp

CISM Prabh Nair – YouTube Channel

Tutorial YouTube Channel – CISM Playlist

Pluralsight Information Security Program for CISM


Practice Questions:
ISACA CISM Questions, Answers & Explanations Database Digital or Print

CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams, Second Edition Book – Peter Gregory


Pocket Prep ISACA CISMExam Prep

Edusum CISM: ISACA Information Security Manager Certification Questions & Practice Exams

(ISACA) CISM – 300 Chapter-wise questions exam prep [2023] – Udemy – Braydon Budde

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